Three channel video
2 minutes
Presented in the TSI/Snodgrass Gallery in Alfred University, Alfred, NY. and the Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester, NY. The mountain landscape in Sunset was made of “Alfred Lumpy Slip” a liquefied suspension of clay particles in water, mixed hurredly so the particles did not mix fully. During shooting and seen in the video, the slip settled and grew delicate hairlike structures. A desk lamp was puppeteered over the fish tank diorama, so as to emulate a rising and falling sunset.
Three channel video
2 minutes
Presented in the TSI/Snodgrass Gallery in Alfred University, Alfred, NY. and the Rochester Contemporary Art Center, Rochester, NY. The mountain landscape in Sunset was made of “Alfred Lumpy Slip” a liquefied suspension of clay particles in water, mixed hurredly so the particles did not mix fully. During shooting and seen in the video, the slip settled and grew delicate hairlike structures. A desk lamp was puppeteered over the fish tank diorama, so as to emulate a rising and falling sunset.
“Much like Daguerre's early landscape dioramas, Britt Moseley's "Sunset" features light and movement in a translucent image.(1) Moseley regulates his fish-tank cinema of attractions using electronics and puppetry. Moseley's mountain landscape is "Alfred Lumpy Slip", a liquefied suspension of clay particles in water. During shooting and seen in the video, the slip settled and grew delicate hairlike structures, the kind of microscopic spaces, that can hold complex reactions, possibly the DNA that led to all living cells.(2)”
Rebekkah Palov (See Full Essay)
Mortal Coils by Rebecca Rafferty